Preview - Netlogo Investigations In Electromagnetism (Niels)

Testing Prediction of Sampling Rate

Use the model below to change the sampling-rate slider and then answer the questions below. Try using both very small and very large values of sampling-rate and observe the graph.

Try putting sampling-rate on the x-axis of your graph, and then currentNow on the Y axis. 

1) Use the SAMPLING-RATE slider to start the sampling rate at a very low value of 1. 

2) Hit SET UP and GO to run the model. 

3) Hit GO to stop the model between trials.

4) Move the SAMPLING-RATE slider to a new value. 

5) Hit SET UP and GO to run the next trial. 

6) Repeat these steps until you have a graph that allows you to make a conclusion. You may also be able to make conclusions by looking at the data in the table. 


Please answer the questions below.

What is the relationship between sampling rate and instantaneous current?

Upload a photo of the graph that supports these findings. To do this, click on the graph in the workspace above. When the teal option bar pops up, click on the camera at the bottom and save the image as a local file. Then, click use the file finder below to attach the image to this page. You can upload more than one graph that support your findings.

Upload files that are less than 5MB in size.
File Delete

Explain how the graph(s) uploaded above support your findings.

Explain how you collected data using the model. 

Please wait for teacher instruction before moving on

Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.